


About ContriHUB

ContriHUB is an Open Source Event, which aims to get more people into the world of open source. This event gives a jumpstart to open source development skills. It also serves as a warm up for GSoC and other global open source competitions. This is a monthlong event, throughout the whole event participants learn different open source tools, solve various issues and compete against one another to be the winner.

How This Works

  • Participants are required to solve the issues and earn points.
  • At the end of competition, winner will be declared from top 6 by judging the quality of issues solved by them.So the participant with the most points need not be the winner.
  • Projects registered for the event can be solved to earn points. All of them can be found at ContriHUB Organization.

Scoring Criteria

Each project will have issues open in it of varying difficulty and each issue will have points associated with it as below:

  • Very-Easy: 2 points
  • Easy: 10 points
  • Medium: 20 points
  • Difficult: 30 points

Note: Some issues might have different points than above mentioned points.

Prizes & Important Points

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
  • Every participant with 4 valid PRs will be awarded with T-shirts and stickers.
  • A participant at anytime can have 2 issues assigned.
  • Once assigned, issues will be locked for 1 day (Very-Easy and Easy), 2 days (Medium), and 3 days (Hard). If you fail to submit PR within deadline, issues will be opened to all.
  • Participants have to submit their PR for an issue here to be eligible for points.

Note: Some issues mention that they "unlock after issue #xyz". In that case the concerned issue will only be alloted once the issue it depends on (#xyz) is resolved.

Our Goals

Git & Github

Introduce budding developers to the world of Git And GitHub


Prepare aspiring developers for Google Summer Of Code 2025.


Increase awareness about the world of open source.

Improve Skills

Help mentors to improve their guiding skills.

Our Team

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Abhishek Patel

CSE MNNIT'25 | CC Representative

See Profile
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Pranav Sanand Puligandla

CSE MNNIT'25 | CC Representative

See Profile
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Sai Dheeraj Peketi

CSE MNNIT'25 | CC Representative

See Profile
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Nandika Agrawal

CSE MNNIT'25 | CC Representative

See Profile
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Eleena Sarah Mathew

CSE MNNIT'25 | CC Representative

See Profile

Past organizers