
Jigyasa is the workshop venture of the Technical clubs of MNNIT, namely Robotics, Aeroclub, and Astrowing, in collaboration with TSAW, a fully functional drone startup that emerged from our clubs. We are motivated by the desire to supplement education with the present-day industry requirements, making the participants future-ready with their skills and a problem-solving mindset.

The workshops under Jigyasa comprise various projects, activities, and interactive sessions, which will help you understand the most difficult concepts in the most comfortable manner. Hence, by emphasizing innovation and imagination, these workshops will instill in your minds a profound scientific temperament and fascination towards technology.

Present Workshops

Build Your own Robots

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
With automation and technology booming in today’s world, robotics is now emerging as an essential tool for thriving as the future STEM workforce. With this workshop, we aim to introduce you to the realm of robotics and walk you through its basics. You’ll also learn about Arduino (a programmable microcontroller), and the simulation software with which you can build and program your own robots later, apart from the ones you learn in these sessions. By the end of this workshop, you’ll gain a decent understanding of the working of a good part of the machines around you, and be capable of transforming a figment of your own imagination into a real, functional robot.

Learn3D: Introduction to CAD and 3D Printing

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
3D printing is a disruptive technology changing the fundamental dynamics of manufacturing. CAD and 3D printing, together, are an important pillar in the manufacturing Renaissance of the 21st century. In this workshop, we will begin everything from scratch: beginning with CAD, software skills, and gradually moving towards CNC machining and 3D printing. You will learn all about 3D printing technology, construction, working, and usage of a 3D printer, understand the materials and gain a deep knowledge of all the software and skills needed to design and print your own models.

Think3D: Fundamentals of 3D Modelling and 3D Printing

Target Audience : 
Anyone Interested

Description    : 
The ability to visualize in 3D is a crucial skill for budding scientists and engineers and is a great aid. It also helps them to better understand subjects like math, science, and arts, thus making them designers of the future. However, with the books being 2D, the ability of 3D visualization comes with a lot of practice. This workshop on 3D printing will help the participants develop a sound intuition of 3D space and its visualization; they will learn to make their own 3D models of various objects in an interactive software: TinkerCAD. They will learn to design daily objects, like pens, to something as complex as rockets. We will also be introducing them to industrially used software like Fusion 360. We will also be introducing participants to the realm of 3D printing so that they can design and manufacture their ideas into reality.

Introduction to Simulation Software in Robotics

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
One of the foremost skills of a capable engineer and, especially, a robotics engineer, is the ability to simulate and test ideas before moving on to the actual product. Simulation helps you test your algorithms rapidly, and thus, helps you create better products. It also allows you to carry out complex projects with limited resources. A good grasp of simulation softwares will surely be a great asset to your portfolio as a budding engineer. But, the resources for most of these workshops are very distributed, and documentations are not easy to begin with. Well, don’t worry because, in this workshop, we will equip you with some of the best, state-of-the-art simulation softwares to build and test your ideas, so that your imaginations are limitless.

Introduction to Computer vision with Raspberry Pi

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
A machine without computer vision is like a human without eyes. Computer vision enables Sophia to recognize who she is talking to, and self-driving cars to recognize roads, traffic signs, and other cars on the road. Thus, computer vision, a fairly advanced field, is a must for every engineer’s portfolio. In this workshop, we will cover this marvel of technology from scratch: introduce the basics, and gradually move on to the deeper concepts, so you can use computer vision for your own applications. We will also introduce you to Raspberry Pi (a mini-computer) which will be your companion for the computer vision and robotics journey. Lots of learning lies ahead, you just need to broaden your vision.

Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles with CARLA

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
Autonomous vehicles aren’t a dream any longer; they’re an essential part of a smart society. AI has revolutionized autonomous vehicles so much that in the coming future, driving wouldn’t be a necessary skill. We would be looking into all the aspects of an autonomous vehicle, understanding the ‘perception, planning and control’ stack of a self-driving car, and help you acquaint yourself with everything that goes inside this seemingly daunting black box. Since you can’t practice on a real vehicle, we will also introduce you to CARLA: a state-of-the-art simulator. By the end of this workshop, you will be proficient enough to write your own codes to automate a vehicle.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
An amazing ability of pattern recognition is what distinguishes humans from other species, and has led to amazing discoveries throughout history. But, what if we can make our machines equally good or better at recognizing patterns? Such machines will be truly limitless in all senses. That’s exactly what artificial intelligence is all about. Getting started with AI is certainly not a cakewalk, therefore, we are here to introduce you to the field of AI. We will start from scratch and train you up to a level from where you can learn on your own, just like any AI :)

Stepping into Electronics & Arduino

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
Electronics are found in a wide variety of items around us, right from remotes to mobile phones, washing machines, computers, and the list keep growing indefinitely. Increasing familiarity with electronic components is another essential tool for a budding STEM enthusiast. This workshop aims to help its participants understand the basics of electronics, right from the basic theory of digital logic to components like resistors, capacitors, and the like. We’ll also discuss and use Arduino (a programmable microcontroller) and build interesting circuits on a simulator. By the end of this workshop, electronic devices will not be absolutely unknown and uninviting territory for you; you shall have a decent understanding of how it works.

Kit-up to Set-up: To establish a Robotics Club

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
“Those with the oracular ability to work with and tease valuable results out of increasingly complex machines will thrive.” --- an excerpt from Deep Work by Cal Newport The realm of robotics and technology is advancing so rapidly that being left out of it might literally hold you back from the potential riches and goodness that the power of automation and complex machines have to offer. As an established robotics club, we’ve had a chance to experience our fair share of innovation and success. We’re proud to have been a birthing nebula to a star like TSAW (a startup for drones), and alumni who have worked on a variety of projects and written papers. Since we believe in sharing this goodness, we, by the medium of this workshop, shall equip you sufficiently to do so.

Kickstart your Journey into Robotics

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
The technology is changing faster than you can imagine, and so are the jobs and market. Whether you are a mechanical engineer or a computer scientist or a biotech, it’s simply not sufficient to survive in today’s market unless you go interdisciplinary. This workshop is for the curious you, mesmerised by technology and eager to use the same to build something truly useful and add value to your CV by creating awesome projects. Our content will kickstart your journey in robotics, thus preparing you to be the leaders of the next industrial revolution.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
With the advent of technologies like the cloud and 5G, IoT is no longer a piece of science fiction but something very real. Simply put, IoT refers to connecting all the physical objects we interact with, to a desktop or mobile application. From automating home appliances, offices to cars that drive on their own, IoT is a very broad field that covers multiple technologies like embedded systems, networking, distributed systems, robotics, etc. This workshop will help you get started with IoT, understand the basics and develop interesting projects using the skills gained. In short, you will be ready to kickstart your journey into this interesting realm of IoT.

Rise and Program

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
Simply put, programming is the art of interacting with machines. Programming is ubiquitous in our rapidly advancing, technologically equipped lives, and is being used everywhere -- from banks to self-driving cars, from mobile apps to airplanes. But no machine can do anything unless it is programmed to do so. With this workshop, we shall help you appreciate the beauty of programming and gain a thorough knowledge of the basics of programming.

Introduction to Kinematics in Robotics using PyBullet

Target Audience : 
Anyone interested

Description    : 
Ever thought about how the coolest-looking robots of Boston Dynamics dance? Or how do those industrial robotic arms execute complex maneuvers? Here, we will teach you the math behind the movement of those legs and arms: a whole lot of simple and sophisticated calculations and concepts. We will also be discussing PyBullet: a state-of-the-art robot simulator where you will be simulating your own kinematic systems. We will conclude with a discussion on the mathematics behind walking and balancing centre of gravity, thus making you capable to build and code your own kinematic systems, like a robotic arm, quadrupeds, humanoid robots, etc.