Drone Automation for Indoor Environment

 Status : Completed

Tags: featured python ros


PID Tuning of a quadcopter and automation of its flight through Python scripts using Robot Operating System.


  • Linux

  • ROS (Robot Operating System)

  • V-REP (simulation software)

  • control systems

  • PID tuning

  • Whycon markers

  • image processing

  • camera calibration


In this project, we have tried to mimic the pollination process of a honeybee. The drone (bee) rises from its hive, pollinates a flower (lights the circuit), and comes back to its hive. The entire process is completely autonomous and can be initiated by one click. An overhead camera detects the position of the drone (Whycon marker attached on it) as well as position of flower (using image processing). This data is fed to a Python script as a ROS topic which then controls the drone using a PID Controller. The communication between laptop and drone is through the WiFi module. The entire project is developed on the ROS framework and PlutoX drone and was first simulated using V-REP Software.This project was done as a part of e-Yantra Robotics Competition 2018-19 under the theme ‘Pollinator Bee’.

Languages Used: Python


We are thankful to e-Yantra Robotics Competition for giving a chance to carry this project, and for support and guidance throughout the competition.

Project by:

Bhuvan Jhamb(20174009), Keshari Tiwari(20175054),

Archit Chaudhary(20173053), Parag Saroha(20175018)