Attendance System Using Face Recognition

 Status : Completed

Tags: python ML OpenCV


Development of an Attendance system software based on face recognition using a camera for an institution.


  • python

  • opencv

  • ML


The project aims to develop a Face Recognition based Attendance System for an institution.

In this project, we have tried to develop software that can record the attendance of individuals without human intervention by recognizing their faces using a camera source in an institution.

When a user comes in the field of view of the camera, his/her attendance will be marked present if his/her data is present in the system database (users' Data are stored in SQL database). In this software new/unaccustomed users' can also store/add their data easily into the system.

We have not used any standard GUI or built-in codes but built everything from scratch using SQL database, Tkinter and other libraries in python.

Although we have made this for attendance but its usage can be extended for personal (Automatic door opening system) or professional fields (security system-face recognition).


Direct Applications of our project:

1)Recording attendance of employees in an office having a large workforce.

2)Automatic door opening system by recognizing the person

Main Technologies used in the Project:

OPEN-CV, NUMPY, OS, SQL database.

Languages Used: Python.



#Simple UI


# While taking attendance-

# Data of user stored in tabular format in SQL


Future work:

We aim to Implement the entire framework on the actual hardware and its improvisation and to use it in real-time applications (outside the robotics club room).

Project by:

GAUTAM KUMAR (20203059)            JAYDEEP SINGH (20203071)

PREETI KUMARI (20204145)               RATNA RATHAUR (20200041)

SHREYA GUPTA (20208119)               CHANDRA PRAKASH (20203047)


Mentored by: ANURAG GUPTA