CNC X-Y Plotter

 Status : Completed

Tags: featured CNC


A CNC (Computer Numeric Control) plotter is able to draw complex line drawings


  • Arduino

  • CNC shield

  • Inkscape


  • Stepper Motor

  • Servo Motor

  • Smooth Rods

  • Ball Bearing


In this project, we have made a CNC plotter. It is able to draw complex line drawings. CNC stands for Computer Numeric Control and typically refers to a machine whose operation is controlled by a computer. The coordinates are uploaded to the machine controller by a separate program. The image file is transformed into G-code via Inkscape. Then the code is transferred to the microcontroller by which the motor mechanism is instructed to draw the image. The machine has two motors to implement the X and Y-axis. A server motor is used along the Z-axis for positioning the pen.



Project by: Amit  Gupta, Divyansh Upadhyay

Siddhesh Sunil Patil, Omesh Kumar 

Devang More, Parag Kumar Gupta

Anshuman Chowdhary, Diptarag Ray Chaudhri

Mentored by: Gaurav Bansal, Anuj Tiwari