Indoor Navigation Robot

 Status : Completed

Tags: featured ros navigation


Simulation of a Roomba like Robot for Internal Navigation purposes


  • Linux

  • ROS(Robot Operating System)

  • Gazebo(Simulation Software)

  • Robot Modelling

  • Control Systems

  • SLAM(Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping)

  • Localisation

  • Path Planning


The project aims to simulate a differential drive ground robot capable of autonomously mapping an unknown environment using sensors onboard and then autonomously navigate in the environment avoiding the obstacles using the map build and sensors onboard the robot.

The whole project is designed for indoor environments where GPS information is either not directly available or weak enough so it can’t be relied upon, thus complicating the localisation process.

We have simulated the project using a differential drive robot but the same can be extended to any aerial or ground vehicle easily as we have tried to keep the project as modular as possible.

Direct Applications of our project:

1)Such Robots can be used to generate maps of any building.

2)Our vision-based navigation approach can be used for navigation in environments where GPS information is not directly available.

3)Our navigation approach is capable of working in completely unknown environments thus making them a perfect candidate for 1st hand responders of disaster management situations.

Future Work:

We had to stop this project at the Simulation Stage because of lockdown imposed by COVID-19. We Plan to make this robot at hardware level when college reopens.

Project by:

Bhuvan Jhamb(20174009) ,Saurabh Kumar Yadav(20185051),