Status : Completed

Tags: C++ C arduino


This project aims to make small monitors used in daily life devices, making them more useful, efficient and portable.


  • Arduino

  • C

  • C++


In this project, we use the LED Matrix as a monitor to display the games that the user will play using the joystick mounted on the project board. The Matrix has 16 rows and 16 columns, and is the LEDs are connected to the Arduino through shift registers. A PS4 controller module is also connected to Arduino for controlling the game. When the user turns on the game, it asks which game the user wants to play and acts accordingly. After the completion of the game, the high score and score obtained are shown. The high score is continuously updated in the EEPROM memory of the Arduino.

Main Technologies Used: Arduino IDE

Languages Used: C, C++

Application: It was a learning project where programming algorithm came into practice.

Image: LED Matrix