Line Follower Robot

 Status : Completed

Tags: arduino


The project aims to create a line follower robot able to follow a path and reach its destination.


  • Arduino


The project aims to create a line follower robot able to follow a path and reach its destination. Sensing a line and manoeuvring the robot to stay on course while constantly correcting wrong moves using feedback from sensors forms a simple yet effective system.


  • The robot must be capable of following a line.
  • It should be capable of taking various degrees of turns.
  • It must be insensitive to environmental factors like lighting and noise.


Languages Used: Arduino Programming language.


Main Technologies used in the Project:

  1. Arduino: Plays the role of microcontroller
  2. Line detection through IR sensors.
  3. Ultrasonic sensors


Project by: 

  • Ishan Gupta (20194175)
  • Ashutosh Gupta (20196037)
  • Pratik Padmesh (20193118)
  • Ankit Shukla (20195005)


Mentor: Gaurav Bansal (20165142)