Status : Completed

Tags: featured kinematics


ATV + Soil Sampling


  • Chassis

  • Soil Moisture Test Kit

  • Kinematics


Space has captured Human curiosity as far as evidence goes, and with every answer we find, we are presented with a hundred more, and yet, we are far from being deterred. The quest for space exploration is the fiercest it had ever been. Technological advancements have now opened the doors for interplanetary travel, and we are solving one mystery after another. A Blood Moon is no longer a sign of an angry God

Extra-terrestrial exploration is the new normal now. These explorations, however, are unmanned more often than not. Every nation in the world right now is aiming to advance their extra-terrestrial space exploration technologies to improve their space programs. Come to think of it. A Rover is probably the most famous one. Almost everyone has some idea about what a ‘Rover’ is. However, for the uninitiated, A Rover is a Motor Vehicle that travels across a planet’s surface upon its arrival. 

One of the most important objectives of a rover is to search for and characterize various rocks and soils that may hold past water activity clues. In particular, samples sought will include those with minerals deposited by water-related processes such as precipitation, evaporation, sedimentary cementation, or hydrothermal activity. Determining the distribution and composition of minerals, rocks, and soils surrounding the landing sites is a basic idea of what a Rover does. 

Inspired by the famous Mars Rover Curiosity, we tried to Design an All-Terrain (Manual) Vehicle with an in-built functional lab setup capable of testing for constitutes available soil using different chemical sets and physical processes.

Team members : 

  1. Vikas Kumar Shukla (20181001)

  2. Pragati Awasthi (20186026)

  3. Mayank More (20185061)

  4. Lakshay Jain 

  5. Varun Kumar (20183041)

Project Mentor: Prakhar Singh