Biometric Attendance System Using the Fingerprint Sensor

 Status : Completed

Tags: featured C++ C arduino Fingerprint MySQL Apache


We are managing attendance records of students of an institute using a fingerprint identification system developed in this project.


  • Fingerprint module R307

  • Arduino Mega Microcontroller

  • Arduino IDE

  • Ethernet Shield

  • I2C Driver

  • LCD 16*2

  • Apache and MySQL server

  • Xampp

  • Microsoft Excel. Languages Used: Arduino(C/C++)


The Arduino and the fingerprint sensor are the heart of the block diagram. The components like a keypad, LCD, fingerprint sensor, Ethernet shield, LEDs are connected to the Arduino. The user scans his/her fingerprint through a fingerprint sensor, and the fingerprint image is converted into a template and stored in the memory of the fingerprint sensor. The ID is entered with the keypad interface’s help to the microcontroller, and records are updated on the database with an Ethernet shield’s use. The LCD is connected to a microcontroller with the help of an I2C module and shows the instructions and Id on the screen. During enrollment, the user places the fingerprint, and if the denied message is displayed, he/she has to go through the process again, and if not, then the fingerprint is stored. In the match phase, the user keeps his finger, and the corresponding is displayed on the LCD else Not Found, and again the stage will begin by pressing ‘B’ on the keypad. Delete phase access is given by the administrator by pressing ‘D’ and a security key, after which the user just needs to enter his ID and be deleted immediately. Finally, the recorded data is sent to the webpage via the Ethernet shield.

Future Scope: The future scope attracts the following facilities: This system can be further enhanced in terms of privacy by introducing the iris scan. Gender determination can also be done by extraction of more features of the fingerprint.  This concept can also be applied to create a fingerprint-based door opening system.  It can also be introduced in voting machines to avoid tampering of votes.