Maze Solver Robot

 Status : Completed

Tags: featured python ML


The project aims to create an advanced line follower robot. able to solve a maze (with no loop) and compute the shortest path back from end to start. the robot also to detect the colored patches.


  • Arduino

  • IR Sensors


The project aims to create an advanced line follower robot. able to solve a maze (with no loop) and compute the shortest path back from end to start. the robot also to detect the colored patches.


Main Technologies used in the Project:

  1. Arduino: Plays the role of microcontroller
  2. Line detection through an array of IR sensors.
  3. Traversal of the maze using LSRB(left-straight-right-back) and DFS(depth first search) algorithm.
  4. PID control system.
  5. Color detection using TCS34725 Color Sensor RGB Module


Practical Applications and Uses:

Advantage :

1) These types of robot movement are usually automatic.

2)  The system in the robot is like Once installed and forgotten.

3) It's relatively cheap.

4) This type of robot is simple to build.

5) They  can also be used for long distances.


1) They can be used in industries as automated equipment  carriers..

2) It can be used for home for floor cleaning etc.

3) In hotels they are being used for the transfer of things from one place to another following a straight path

Project by: Team !ABHIMANYU

  • Purushotam Kumar Agrawal (20192042)
  • Mehul Singhal (20195022)
  • Pravesh Pandey (20193065)