Sun Tracking Solar Panel

 Status : Completed

Tags: C++ C arduino


A Solar Planer tracks the movement of the sun. This maximizes the solar energy falling on the plate and the efficiency of the panels.


  • Arduino

  • C

  • C++


In this project, the solar panel alters its position in the direction of maximum falling light using motors. Four LDRs are used to detect the direction of maximum light, and two Servo motors are used; one will give Horizontal motion, and the other will give Vertical Motion. All the components are attached with Arduino via Breadboard. With servo motors' help, the panel will dynamically rotate in horizontal and vertical planes until it reaches the position with maximum light falling.


Main Technologies Used:

Arduino IDE

Languages Used: C, C++


Project by:

Akash Krishna (20195150), Balram Mishra (20193058)

Anurudh Pratap Singh (20194067), Harsh Mishra (20199043)

Mentored by: Gaurav Bansal