Automatic Tube well Controller

 Status : Completed

Tags: featured C++ Google Assistant Arduino IDE C HTML nodeMCU


Automation of tube well so that water wasted can be nominal using Arduino, NodeMcu, and a 3 phase starter.


  • Arduino IDE

  • Google Assistant

  • NodeMCU

  • C

  • C++

  • HTML


This project focuses on automating the tube well so that water wasted can be nominal. The tube well is controlled via the wireless medium(a cell phone). We are doing this using  Arduino, NodeMcu, and a 3 phase starter. NodeMcu is connected to the Arduino. It acts as a server and sends the details from Arduino to the clients, a web page/ android application, or google assistant. The client is connected to the host via local IP provided by NodeMcu. The webpage/android application or google assistant provides features like turning on and off the tube well. All the sensors and displays are connected to the Arduino. The user selects his/her suitable option on the mobile system via a webpage/google assistant or an android application. The user data is sent to the Nodemcu, which is further given to the Arduino. The relay is provided as an interface between the Three-phase starter and the Arduino, which acts as an electromagnetic switch through which the low voltage dc signals can be used to handle large voltage signals. The pump gets started and is turned off according to the user. Also, through the soil moisture sensor, the moisture level is monitored, which would also be displayed on the user application so that according to the level, the tube well can be turned on or off.  


Project by:

Aditya Kumar Singh(20155056), Kunal Singh(20155145),

Suraj Gupta(20155074)


We are thankful to Dr. Manish Tiwari, Associate Professor MNNIT Allahabad, for guiding us throughout the project.