Status : Completed
Tags: featured ESC Quadcopter Battery GPS IMU APM Motors
Development of a drone capable of traversing given waypoints in outdoor environments autonomously.
The project aims to develop a drone that can traverse a given set of waypoints without any human intervention using onboard sensors and controllers and share its state parameter in real-time using radio telemetry.
We have used Ardupilot Mega(APM) for this purpose, an open-source standard for such projects. Also, we have simulated the project using a quadcopter, but the same can be extended to any aerial or ground vehicle easily.
Main Technologies and Software used in the Project:
Quadcopter, Battery, Motors, ESC, APM, GPS, IMU, Mission Planner
Direct Applications of the project:
1)Drone Delivery
2)Our Drone can also be used for Aerial Surveillance by attaching a Camera module.
Picture: Autonomous Quadcopter developed in this project.
Future Work:
We plan to take this further and add the following features to our autonomous drone:
1)Obstacle Avoidance
2)Camera Module, Gimbal, and Telemetry over 4G
3)Gripper for Delivery
4)Battery Management System
Project by:
Bhuvan Jhamb(20174009), Archit Chaudhary(20173053), Abhishek Gautam(20173012), Rakesh Ram(20176046)
Mentored by: Mr Nishant Kumar (Makerspace manager, Cisco thingQbator)
We are thankful to Cisco thingQbator, MNNIT for support during the projects and Mr Nishant Kumar (Makerspace manager, Cisco thingQbator) for his guidance and mentorship throughout the project.