A Robot capable of following a robot to follow a human in challenging situations using CNN and stereo depth camera.
Status : Completed
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Pybullet Simulation of a Robotic arm mounted on Ground Robot for Warehouse Automation Task.
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Simulation of a drone to deliver various packages to their destinations, optimizing for time and quantity
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Simulation of a Roomba like Robot for Internal Navigation purposes
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A CNC (Computer Numeric Control) plotter is able to draw complex line drawings
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PID Tuning of a quadcopter and automation of its flight through Python scripts using Robot Operating System.
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A nitro engine based RC car modified to run on BLDC motor and LiPo battery capable of avoiding obstacles using Behaviour Cloning
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To design a fully functional Autonomous Self Driving Car in CARLA Simulator
Status : Ongoing
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To create an autonomous vehicle, that senses the surroundings and drives the car without Human input.
featured python Google Collab CNN Carla Simulator Deep Learning