Neuralink : Beyond Life

 Posted by Ashutosh Kumar

on Jan. 30, 2022

Tags: neuralink brain sensing

What can be more fascinating than figuring out whether the bridge gap between the Human era and A.I. can be made less? Has the era arrived in which humans are growing into cyborgs? Well, Elon Musk’s Neuralink that was founded in July 2016 can prove to be a boon for the same by connecting the realms of A.I. and the Human generation in upcoming time. The development of Neuralink showed the ambitious project of Musk of connecting the human brain to the internet to help control machines and in medicare as well. 



What is a Neuralink?

Neuralink is a device designed to be implanted into the brain with the help of which living beings will be able to communicate with the machines and control them even without physical touch. The company behind this was founded in 2016 and has been working in developing this technology ever since. It consists of chipsets that are meant to be installed in the skull that will connect the brain with the internet. 


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Working of Neuralink

Neuralink once installed efficiently in the brain, can receive brain signals to control machines e.g computers and smartphones. The brain transmits information to various body parts to ensure proper functioning. And once Neuralink becomes a part of the brain, it can transmit the signals into algorithms that can be interpreted by the machines. In this way, it can figure out the thought process of humans and not only convey to them but also make life easier. All these can contribute towards the modernization of livelihood and not the least a great time-saver by elimination of texting.

It has an N1 chip installed which functions to record and stimulate electrical spikes inside the brain and the whole process will undoubtedly be wireless, Musk said.


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Installation of Neuralink

When it comes to the installation of this tiny piece inside the brain, the crucial body part is responsible for body functioning, most people are highly concerned. But as it is a complex process, the process needs to be deployed by specialized robots as it is not a play of even skilled human hands. The whole process is to be done under the regulations issued by the Health Department as said Musk. This process will require only a minute section of the skull where this device is to be implanted taking considerations regarding the veins and arteries.



Various aspects regarding Neuralink

The main focus of it will be primarily on medicare, thus helping paraplegics and even in the cure of epilepsy. Secondly, making the humans interact with the electronic devices around employing senses only. But in this vast universe, everything comes with its pros and cons. Though the developers claim that it is useful in medical treatment, what about the concerns regarding skull surgery of people around the globe?




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One can also even think that, is it necessary to keep the Neuralink for the rest of the life? To this, Musk said in his interview that it is possible to even remove without causing any damage. Although the installation process and research activities were done only on a rat and a monkey, human tests are still to be deployed. But we must not overlook the unforeseen challenges that may occur in the coming times as it is related to we humans itself. Black Mirror, a Netflix series that taught the whole world to never mess up with A.I. But, there’s still a ray of hope behind this wonderful device that can bring about tremendous development in the field of technology and thus leading to much greater heights.




  • For more info regarding Neuralink testings visit: