About Us

Robotics Club MNNIT is a diverse group of robotics enthusiasts from all the college departments, which runs under the umbrella of the Student Activity Centre of MNNIT Allahabad. Established in 2016, we are mainly concerned with building robots for academic purposes, competing at national events, or even building just out of imagination. This also puts us in frequent contact with a plethora of software, hardware, and technologies, like Computer Vision, Simulation Softwares (Gazebo, Pybullet, etc.), CAD Softwares, ROS, devising algorithms, path planning, Machine Learning, Microcontrollers, Kinematics to name just a few of many. Since its creation, this club has seen the completion of hundreds of projects, participated and won accolades in multiple national-level events, and organized various workshops with a decent footfall. Working closely with the industries, our people regularly acquire lucrative packages in tech giants, internships in IITs, and different tech companies. Our club has also been the birthplace of a startup TSAW in the drone sector, gaining ground in the field and as a company. We have a team of friendly experts equipped with all kinds of tutorials and workshops along with a compelling workspace to make you an integral part of this rapidly expanding world.



Research themes that we have worked upon:

Artificial Intelligence

  • Maths and Algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Use of Deep Learning in Robotic Applications
  • Behaviour Cloning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Speech Recognition, Facial Recognition, Sentiment Analysis
  • Application of RL in Robotics and Autonomous Driving

Internet of Things

  • Embedded Systems
  • FTTH Server and Firebase Database
  • Realtime Data Syncing
  • Home/Room Automation


  • Computer Vision
  • Occupancy Grid Mapping
  • Object Detection and Tracking
  • Semantic Segmentation
  • Road and Lane Detection


  • GPS Based Localization
  • Odometry Based Localization
  • Visual Odometry
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Kalman Filter

Motion Planning

  • Path Planning Algorithms
  • Path Planning in case of Dynamic Objects
  • Collision Detection
  • Swarm Intelligence


  • Forward and Inverse Kinematics
  • Control of Robotic Arms
  • ZMP Balancing and Trajectory Generation
  • Biped and Humanoid Robots

Power Source

  • Different Power Sources (Batteries/AC) in Robotics
  • Battery Management System


  • Embedded platforms like Atmega,STM etc.
  • Different Sensors
  • Sensor-Microcontroller-Actuator Interfacing
  • Communication (Bluetooth/4G/WiFi/Radio)

Softwares and Platforms

  • Arduino/RaspberryPi/Jetson Nano/Pixhawk/Ardupilot Mega
  • Robot Operating System (ROS)
  • Gazebo/Webots/Pybullet/V-REP/CARLA/Pybullet


  • Computer Aided Design
  • Structural Analysis
  • 3D Printing


  • Control System Algorithms
  • Different Actuators and their Control


  • Manual Robotics and All Terrain Vehicles
  • Aerial Robotics
  • Biometric Systems


What do our alumni say about us..?



Call Us

+91 9351648062
+91 8341425873